M. Almaši1, M. Šuchaň2, L. Kaliarik2 1 ENT Department, East Slovak Oncology Institute, Košice, Slovak republic 2Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck surgery, Luis Pasteur University Hospital and Medical Faculty of P. J...
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Reconstruction spectrum of head and neck defects using a radial forearm free flap
B. Hocková, R. Slávik, D. Poruban, J. Abelovský, F. Kubec, J. Gembeš, M. Pawelski, M. Hanzelová, O. Liebiedieva, A. Stebel Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, F. D. Roosevelt University Hospital, Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic...
Reconstruction of the metacarpophalangeal volar plate with the A1 pulley and 11 cases of proximal interphalangeal/ /metacarpophalangeal volar plate injuries in adolescent age
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Transposition of Stensen’s duct in severe salivary duct stenosis – a case report
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Pedicled TFL flap for metastatic penile cancer reconstruction – a case series
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Successful secondary augmentation mammoplasty after Mycobacterium thermoresistibile infection – a case report
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Practical use of ultrasonography for a trigger wrist – a case report
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Efficacy of collagen and elastin matrix in the treatment of complex lower extremity wounds
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Delayed two stage breast reconstruction with acellular dermal matrix
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Stakeholder and patient experience with virtual reality in burn treatment – a study of the Cold River application in a clinical setting
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