Dear colleagues,
Plastic surgery is a speciality pertaining neither to a specific physical system in the human body nor to a group of par- ticular diseases. It is relevant to all parts of the body and is used to remediate is- sues originating from all medical speci- alities. In its application, it requires the fusion of both technical craft combined with artistic talent in balance to derive a satisfactory outcome.
Plastic surgery has a strong history and tradition in the Czech Republic having gained prominence for over 100 years. One of the first Departments of Plastic Surgery in the world was established in the Czech Republic and the journal Acta Chiurgiae Plasticae was first published in 1959. It remains one of the oldest jour- nals dedicated to plastic surgery on the international stage.
As a speciality, plastic surgery origi- nated during the First World War when copious and serious injuries required the development of new and creative ap- proaches to their treatment and recon- struction. Currently, more than 100 years later, we are again witnessing a war in the same geographical area and further conflict seems to likely come. Let us hope that this will not escalate into a new world war as this will bring nothing posi- tive, not even to the field of medicine.
Plastic surgery is a broad and re- spected speciality that can be applied to many areas of medicine to improve both clinical and emotional outcomes for pa- tients. It is used in conjunction with other specialities to give a better prog- nosis but also singly in cases of extraor- dinary complication, serious injuries and oncology. As a discipline, plastic surgery is responsible for many highly regarded
outcomes and aides the standing of sur- gery generally in the eyes of the public, patients, insurance companies and min- istry officers. Reconstructive plastic sur- gery still remains the dominant segment of our speciality as demonstrated by the prevalence of articles published in Acta Chirurgiae Plasticae.
Dear colleagues, plastic surgery in the Czech Republic has held a leading po- sition in the world for over 100 years. Let us continue to work to build on this foundation and remain among the lead- ers of this discipline.
Assoc. Prof. Martin Molitor, MD, PhD, MBA