
Free medial plantar flap connection with a posterior tibial artery flap and its modification for combined dorsal and plantar foot defects – two case reports

A. El-Sayed1, W. R. Saleh1, Y. F. Ragheb1, A. A. Moncef1, A. Ahmed1,2

1 Reconstructive Microsurgery Unit Orthopedic and Traumatology Department, Assiut University Hospitals and School of Medicine, Egypt 2 Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Reconstructive Microsurgery Unit, Assiut University Hospitals and School of Medicine, Egypt


Reconstruction of large soft tissue foot defects were considered a difficult issue due to weight-bearing function of the foot. The reconstruction becomes more difficult when both plantar and dorsal soft tissues are involved. The options for the reconstruction were variable, in 2016 Hao Wu et al. presented a combined flap for coverage of combined fore-foot plantar and dorsal soft tissue defects. We used combined flaps in two cases and present our experience in this article.

Key words

soft tissue foot defects – combined soft tissue foot defects – combined medial plantar and posterior tibial flap

El-Sayed A, Saleh WR, Ragheb YF et al. Free medial plantar flap connection with a posterior tibial artery flapand its modification for combined dorsal and plantar foot defects – two case reports. Acta Chir Plast 2024; 66 (2): 73–81.

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