Category - 4/2022

3/2022 4/2022


Dear readers, cancers of the oral cavity and oro­ pharynx are among the ten malignan­ cies with the most frequent occurrence in the human population (about 15% of the total number of malignant tumors). Worldwide, approximately...

3/2022 4/2022

Letter to the editor, Announcement

DITORIAL BOARD Chairman Zdeněk Dvořák, MD, PhD, Brno, Czech Republic Vicechairman Aleš Fibír, MD, PhD, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic MEMBERS Assoc. Prof. Luboš Dražan, MD, PhD, Brno, Czech Republic Prof. René Foltán, MD et DMD...

3/2022 4/2022

Czech summaries

Hodnocení resekčních okrajů u spinocelulárního karcinomu dutiny ústní D. Král, P. Tvrdý, L. Šašková, J. Zapletalová, J. Michálek, R. Pink Úvod: Chirurgická léčba je primární metodou léčby spinocelulárního karcinomu dutiny ústní...

3/2022 4/2022

Adult orbital xanthogranuloma – a case report

E. Rashidov1, M. Babakalanova1, M. Molitor1, Z. Špůrková2 1 Department of Plastic Surgery, University Hospital Bulovka, Prague, Czech Republic 2 Department of Pathology, University Hospital Bulovka, Prague, Czech Republic...

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